導師:Kathleen Butler (工作坊將以英語進行,附以即場廣東話翻譯)
日期:2018年1月20日(六) 2:00pm tp 6:00pm
費用:HK$1000 (早鳥價 HK$800) [報名]
Chart 3 is a dynamic SRT chart that maps the levels of consciousness and the evolutionary process of the soul. There are many levels of understanding we go through as human souls. Learn how to clear programs quickly and effectively using this one chart. Many SRT students and practitioners find that their understanding of the entire SRT system is greatly enhanced by the synthesis of this information. I am pleased to offer this half day workshop focusing on SRT Chart 3 and its many uses and applications. The class will involve lecture as well as time for a question and answer period.
Fee: HK$1000 (early bird: HK$800)