《2012 年個人資料(私隱)(修訂)條例》(《修訂條例》)實施,我們希望你能充分了解本中心使用個人資料的安排。
我們所收集之資料包括但不限於閣下姓名、固網/流動電話號碼、電郵、郵寄地址、出生日期、付款詳情、閣下對特定商品及課程的喜好,以及閣下與本中心聯絡之電郵或其它記錄,我們會使用閣下的資料向閣下發送消息、提供和更新有關產品、課程和服務的資訊。 你可以隨時要求本中心停止使用你的個人資料作上述訊息發放用途。
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“the Ordinance”) has come into effect from 1st April 2013.
To ensure you are well connected with us and informed of our latest news, please note that we will continue to deliver related information to you personally. This information includes any events, courses, workshops, services, discounts and offers from time to time.
We collect your personal data including, but not limited to, name, telephone /mobile number, email address, mailing address, payment method and personal preferences related to courses and services. We will use the personal information for the purpose of providing you with the above information. Upon your request at any time and at no charge, we will cease to use your personal data for such communication.
You may opt-out from receiving our information materials or request to access and correct your personal data held by us at any time by making a written request to info@radiantlove.com.hk