這款水晶音叉的頻率調諧到金星的脈動,透過聲波振動增強水晶的治癒能力。 金星水晶音叉的調諧速度為每秒 3539.68 週期 (cps)。
With a frequency tuned to the pulsation of Venus, this Crystal Tuner amplifies the healing power of crystals through sonic vibration. The Venus Crystal Tuner is tuned 3539.68 cycles per second (cps).
Tap Venus for love, to bring out the beauty in all your relationships you hold most dear, when you need to make a spark, to reignite your passions, to enhance your ability to feel love, to enhance your ability to receive and give, increase your ability to feel love and pleasure, to harmonize yourself and love yourself.