Reiki I and II
• The origin and history of Reiki
• The nature of Reiki energy, why people get sick and how Reiki heals.
• The Reiki Ideals
• The Human Energy System
• The complete hand placement system.
• Gassho meditation
• Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) and to treat them.
• Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat.
• Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
• Koki-ho: Using the breath to heal.
• Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes.
• Sending Reiki at a distance.
• Reiki II symbols: How to draw, activate and use them. Their many uses are explained and their inner meaning is discussed. Practice time is given so students know from experience how the energy of each symbols feels and the results each symbol produces.
• Attunements for Reiki I and II are given.
A 192 page class manual* is provided and a certificate will be issued by our Instructor, a Professional Member of the ICRT Reiki Membership Association, upon completion of the class.
Duration: 2 days
Class fee: HK$3,800
* Class manual: Each student will received a copy of “Reiki, The Healing Touch”.
ART/Master Level
This course includes both Advanced Reiki Training and Reiki Master Training. You will be able to initiate students into all levels of Reiki including full Reiki master.
The class is taught as the Usui/Tibetan style of Reiki that is a combination of the Usui system as taught by Mrs. Takata and a special Tibetan style. The Usui and Tibetan master symbols are included along with Reiki meditation, Reiki psychic surgery, Reiki Healing Attunement and many additional techniques not usually taught by others.
A 130 page class manual* is included with step by step instruction for all techniques and initiations. Upon completion of the class, a certificate will be issued by our instructor, a Professional Member of the ICRT Reiki Member Association.
The following subjects are covered in the class:
- Origin of Western Reiki
- Reiki Moving Meditation
- Advanced Reiki Meditation
- The Reiki Crystal Grid
- Aura Clearing (also called psychic surgery)
- The Reiki Symbols
- Antahkarana Healing Symbols
- Violet Breath
- Healing Attunement
- Giving Attunements – both Usui and Usui/Tibetan styles, including Reiki I, II, ART and Master
- Developing your Reiki practice
Duration: 3 days
Class fee: HK$10,800/HK$9,800**
* Class manual: Each student will received a copy of “Reiki Master Manual”.
**Students who completed SSR or other type of reiki courses with RLC, will be eligible for discounted fee.
Instructor: Nerissa
Nerissa received training from William Rand on Reiki (Usui/Tibetan style) and Karuna Reiki®#, and she is a Professional Member of ICRT Reiki Membership Association.
(#Karuna Reiki® is a registered trademark of ICRT )