Radiant Love Center

Reiki Treatment

Physical treatments

Reiki physical treatments usually last for 60 minutes, and for some people, 1- 3 treatments are enough to help them recover from a problem and for others a course of treatments is necessary. For serious illness or long term sickness, healing group (more than one practitioner) may be more suitable. Group treatments are also very powerful and a wonderful experience.

During a treatment everyone feels something different. It is a very personal experience and there is no one particular feeling you should or shouldn’t experience. Just relax and enjoy the experience.

Please call 2838 2988 for appointment. For those suffered from serious illness or long term disease, and decide to receive reiki treatments more than once one week, please discuss with our center’s consultant to seek a discounted price. We will also arrange a Healing Program (group of three practitioners to hold the reiki treatment session), please call 2838 2988 for more information.

Psychological /  Emotional treatments

Psychological or emotional treatments are a very effective way to help yourself through difficult times or issues. They can be used for anything from fears, stress and worry to depression, addictions and severe trauma. The number of treatments required will be different for everyone, and the more long-term the issue, generally the longer it takes to resolve, though usually some positive effects can be felt from the outset.

Using Reiki is a way of empowering yourself to take responsibility for your own recovery. You are the one to decide if you want to use it in conjunction with therapy with a medical professional.

Please contact us to make appointment.

For reiki courses, please click here for details.


Reiki is not traditional medical system, and is not intended to replace medical diagnosis, treatment and medication. We do not recommend you to stop any medication as advised by doctors, but you can use Reiki as a complimentary treatment and apply it when you are experiencing a little bit discomfort.

Reiki, Aura Photo, Spiritual Healing, Tarot, Energy Products