Radiant Love Center

Frequently Asked Questions About Reiki Courses

1.As there are so many different Reiki courses, do we need to study all of them, so that we can use Reiki?

Not necessary. People usually use Reiki as to strengthen and heal themselves. Based on studying Reiki(Usui/Tibetan) or Jikiden Reiki courses, you can already know how to use Reiki for your physical, emotion and distance healing. The advance and coach courses require people must have studied Reiki(Usui/Tibetan) since you can provide an experience of different energy to the others.

2. What kind of person can learn Reiki?

Anyone can learn Reiki. For instance of Jikiden Reiki, we had the youngest student that ages 13 years old. The requirement of learning Reiki is students have suitable understanding ability. About Western Reiki (Usui/Tibetan), it includes meditation and some spiritual concepts. We suggest that students who are nonage should ask their parents to decide whether their age are available to apply the course.

3. How to choose a Reiki course that is suitable to myself?

You can based on the reason of applying the course and ask our staff or facilitators for consultation. Our center is glad to answer the questions that related to Reiki.

4. Anything needs to be cautioned or concerned?

Although each facilitators’ teaching about Usui/Tibetan may be different, usually facilitators will accept others’ Reiki courses. So make sure after completing any levels of the courses, the facilitator will provide you the related level of certificate and Reiki lineage (Reiki lineage will list all the facilitators from the Reiki system’s founder till to your facilitator).

Reiki, Aura Photo, Spiritual Healing, Tarot, Energy Products