Radiant Love Center

Reiki Symbols

In Usui and a lot of Reiki systems, each systems have their own symbols. Each symbol has their own energy and individual usage. In Usui system, the symbols of Usui Reiki system are not public-opened. One of the reasons is based on tradition. Since some of the symbols’ meaning are very sacred, so the symbols won’t be written so casually. The other reason is, from the point of view of the Usui system, the condition of using these symbols is the user must have received Reiju or using reiki to activate attunment. As to avoid some people without receiving Reiju having misunderstanding that by using hand to draw the symbols can activate their effects, a lot of facilitators will respect the tradition and won’t show the symbols to the students who have not received Reiju.

This tradition has broken by a western person who has written a book about Reiki. Also, as internet and technology develop rapidly nowadays, you may find some products that include Reiki symbols in the internet.

Reiki, Aura Photo, Spiritual Healing, Tarot, Energy Products