什麽是靈性再創建療法 (Spiritual Restructuring)?

  • 身體對齊 — 學習在身體和精神上調整椎骨、骶骨、臀部、肋骨、頭部以及扭曲或卡住的關節,以提高活動自由度。
  • 肌肉治療 — 學會使用輕柔的觸摸來釋放過度伸展的肌肉中的張力。學習基本的技巧,以減輕肌肉壓力。
  • 營養 — 獲取有關使用哪些食物來支持身體各個系統的信息:骨骼系統、神經系統、循環系統、消化系統、呼吸系統、泌尿系統等。
  • 平衡大腦/心靈融合 — 學習與靈魂(身體的心智)和大腦合作釋放不和諧的程序,實現肉腦和心智之間的和諧。
  • 冥想和情緒釋放 — 學習冥想,幫助您與壓抑的情緒保持聯繫,以便釋放它們。
  • 器官和腺體的靈性治療 — 學習使用靈性能量來建立所有器官和腺體的振動治療。以頻率方式代替通過手術切除的器官和腺體。


日期:平日班 (星期二至五),共六天

第一段2023年11月29,30日及12月1日 及


授課地點:香港銅鑼灣登龍街52號景隆商業大廈18樓 (Radiant Love Center)
入學資格 : 修畢靈性反應療法初階的學員
費用:港幣8,800 (早鳥價 : HK$7,200)



Spiritual Restructuring Class (SpR)

We are spiritual beings inhabiting physical bodies and working through an energy system. In SpR class (6 days), you learn to work with all systems of the body to adjust and heal and to bring into balance the vibrations of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of that which we truly are. The class includes instruction in:

  • Body Alignment. Learn to physically and spiritually adjust the vertebra, sacrum, hips, ribs, head, and torqued or jammed joints to improve freedom of movement.
  • Muscle Treatment. Learn to release tension in over-extended muscles using gentle touch. Learn basic massage techniques to reduce stress in muscles.
  • Nutrition. Gain information on what foods to use to support the various systems of the body: skeletal, nervous, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, urinary, et cetera.
  • Balancing for Brain/Mind Meld. Learn to work with the soul (the mind of the body) and the brain to release discordant programming, bringing about harmony between the physical brain and the mind.
  • Meditation and Emotional Release. Learn meditations that help you get in touch with suppressed emotions so that they can be released.
  • Spiritual Healing of Organs and Glands. Learn to work with spiritual energy to establish vibrational healing of all organs and glands. Vibrationally replace organs and glands that have been removed through surgery.